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Quillcraft Publications, Chourai Nagar, Somatne Phata,Talegaon Pune Maharashtra India - 410506

+91 9960340850

// About Journal

The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

Open Access

ISSN: 2224-7890 (Online)

E-ISSN: 2224-7890

Indexed In: ScopusSJR-Q3, Web Of Science (SCIE), UGC CARE List (India) Group-II

Publisher Name: Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering

CiteScore: 1.4

Journal’s Link: Visit Website

Submission: Journal Publishing and Submission Assistance, Call  +91 9960340850 Or Email

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Journal Insights

Aim & Scope:

The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering (SAJIE) publishes articles with the emphasis on research, development and application within the fields of Industrial Engineering and Engineering and Technology Management. In this way, it aims to contribute to the further development of these fields of study and to serve as a vehicle for the effective interchange of knowledge, ideas and experience between the research and training oriented institutions and the application oriented industry. Articles on practical applications, original research and meaningful new developments as well as state of the art surveys are encouraged.

Subject Areas:

Engineering: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Publishing Timeline:

Review Time: 10-15 Days

Acceptance To Publication Time: 5 Days

Submission To Acceptance Time: 20 Days

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