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Quillcraft Publications, Chourai Nagar, Somatne Phata,Talegaon Pune Maharashtra India - 410506

+91 9960340850

// About Journal

Journal of Electrical Systems (JES)


ISSN: 1112-5209

Indexed In: ScopusSJR-Q3, Web Of Science (ESCI) Ei Compendex, UGC CARE List (India) Group-II

Publisher Name: Engineering and Scientific Research Groups

CiteScore: 1.5

Journal’s Link: Visit Website

Submission: Journal Publishing and Submission Assistance, Call  +91 9960340850 Or Email

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Journal Insights

Aim & Scope:

The journal welcomes contributions on the analysis, operation, management, security, stability and control of sustainable energy systems, as well as on sustainable energy economics and power markets. Papers on novel sustainable energy technologies as well as educational and technological aspects of sustainable energy are of interest, as are rigorously evaluated case studies that help to highlight the key challenges at hand.

Subject Areas:

Computer Science: General Computer Science, Engineering: Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Miscellaneous)

Publishing Timeline:

Review Time: 10-15 Days

Acceptance To Publication Time: 5 Days

Submission To Acceptance Time: 20 Days

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