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Quillcraft Publications, Chourai Nagar, Somatne Phata,Talegaon Pune Maharashtra India - 410506

+91 9960340850

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Asian Journal of University Education

Open Access

ISSN: 1823-7797 (Print) 

ISSN: 2600-9749 (Online)

Indexed In: ScopusSJR-Q2, UGC CARE List (India) Group-II, DOAJ, Google Scholar,

Publisher Name: UiTM Press

CiteScore: 3.1

Journal’s Link: Visit Website

Submission: Journal Publishing and Submission Assistance, Call  +91 9960340850 Or Email

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Journal Insights

Aim & Scope:

The objective of the journal is to provide a forum for the publication of research and discussion on all aspects of university education such as internationalization of higher education, teaching methodology, learning styles, assessment, curriculum development, educational leadership, educational management and administration, leadership, gender issues and quality assurance in higher education. Articles related to school education that have implications for higher education are also welcomed. The journal hopes to receive papers that use a variety of methods including quantitative (experimental, descriptive-correlation), and qualitative (case studies, ethnographic). Theoretical and narrative studies will also be considered. Book reviews and shorter research notes are also welcomed.

Subject Areas:

Social Sciences: Education

Publishing Timeline:

Review Time: 10-15 Days

Acceptance To Publication Time: 60 Days

Submission To Acceptance Time: 150 Days

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